Newport Beach, CA  October 7, 2019 – The Barre Code, Newport Beach is now open in Newport Beach at 2547 Eastbluff Dr. at the Eastbluff Village Center, bringing a well-rounded exercise program of cardiovascular conditioning, strength training, and restoration.

The Barre Code will host a ribbon cutting with The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors and local City Council Members on October 25 beginning at 4:30 p.m.  Members of the Newport Chamber and the media are invited to try a free class that day at 9 a.m. 10 a.m. or 12 noon.  All classes are 50 minutes long.  ( ). 

About The Barre Code

What sets the signature Barre Code classes apart from some of the other barre concepts is the variety of fitness classes and “props” or pieces of fitness equipment that are used, as well as the fact that all fitness levels are encouraged.

“We say, we go beyond the Barre, meaning that we deliver a complete program of traditional barre, HIIT training, bootcamp-style classes, kickboxing and choreographed cardio routines,” according to Marla Malkin, owner.  “Yet, equally important, we offer the tools necessary to build inner and outer strength within a supportive community continually striving to learn and grow.”

Trained by local Master Trainer Laura MacCartie, and The Barre Code’s seasoned corporate team, the Barre Code Newport Beach instructors teach rotating class formats and empowering motivational skills to ensure participants will never plank into a plateau.

Core classes cover all of the body’s needs, including the original “Barre Code,” a fifty-minute, total-body workout of isometric holds, heavy repetition, and deep stretching to “BRAWL,” a combination of choreographed kickboxing and strengthening moves that “SELF Magazine” dubbed one of the best workouts in the nation.  BarRestore is a fusion of Barre, yoga and deep stretching. TBC (Total Body Conditioning) is a bootcamp-style “HIIT” class with a  focus on full-range-of-motion strength training within, which challenges participants to reach beyond their physical, mental, and emotional limits with a three-dimensional ride of plyometrics, speedwork, and agility training.

The fitness concept is new to Southern California, but has been around since co-founders Ariana Chernin and Jillian Lorenz first introduced The Barre Code, to the River North neighborhood of Chicago in 2010. The Barre Code is not just the name of Chernin and Lornez’s lifestyle brand. It’s a way of life that is intrinsic to their teachings and to each of their studios. According to Lorenz, “We live by a code of 8 values that we refer to as the ‘Actionable 8’. The number 8 flipped on its side is the infinity sign and is symbolic to everyone’s journey. To live by The Barre Code means to be the bright spot in someone’s day, to use fitness to deepen your connection with yourself and those around you, and to make work a positive part of your life—not in spite of your life. Own your energy, look inward before projecting outwards, seek growth and embrace evolution, create opportunity and celebrate success, and earn trust and make yourself worthy of it”.

Find beauty in strength at The Barre Code Newport Beach seven days a week. Log onto to view the current class schedule and book a reservation.