May INSPIRE: Women in Business – How are you faring during this time of sheltering in place?


Date(s) - 05/26/2020
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
May INSPIRE: Women in Business - How are you faring during this time of sheltering in place?

Although most people are working remotely, that doesn't mean we still can't get together. Join our virtual networking event via Zoom meeting. This is your chance to stay in touch with one another while still practicing social distancing.

Make your reservation using the button below and you will receive an eMail with information on how to join the meeting.


Kim Tavares and Pam Smith will share their stories and how they have continued to work at home, care for families, cook more meals than ever before while still keeping it all together. Next they will share how they are gearing up for the back to the workplace edict that is coming and how to manage that!

Send your stories about your experiences since mid-March and any questions you have for Kim and Pam to Marie Case at